AI Chat
AI Chat is used for purely 2D chat based simulations. They allow you to engage in interfaces through a text display similar to text messages or chat rooms.
Last updated
AI Chat is used for purely 2D chat based simulations. They allow you to engage in interfaces through a text display similar to text messages or chat rooms.
Last updated
AI Chat Action Dropdown:
Open: This will open the AI Chat interface
Close: This will close the AI Chat interface
Input Message: This will input a message to the AI Chat interface as the specified entity with either the Name section or allows you to input a message as if it was said by the player using the Is Player section.
Input System Message: This will input a message to the AI Chat interface as a system message rather than one attributed to someone participating in the chat experience. Typical use would be for either describing the scenario or sending messages like "Erick has entered the chat room" that would not be assigned to a participant.
Set Data: Allows the author to set the information about the other participants in the experience. This includes the Name, Voice, and Profile Picture of the virtual participant. Profile Pictures should be in a 1:1 aspect ratio to prevent any distortion
Is Player Selection: If this is set to then the message you type into the text field will appear as if it was spoken or said by the player rather than by the virtual participants.
Name: The selection from your Set Data section of what virtual participant is actually speaking what you input into the text field.
Text Field: The message being said by the System, Player, or Named Virtual participant.