Logging Attributes

When a user experiences a simulation, their data is recorded in our data logging pipeline. This document describes the structure of the data.


The following terminology will be important for describing the structure of the logged data.

  • Events represent some logged occurrence at any point in time during a simulation. These events can be both user generated (e.g. "user grabs an object"), or system generated (e.g. "system loads a simulation"). Events are timestamped to the millisecond.

  • User is the one who experiences the simulation. Depending on how they access the simulation, their userID may be registered differently.

  • Session begins when the user access the application and ends when the user leaves the application. A unique sessionID is generated per session.

  • Run begins when the user loads a simulation and ends when the user leaves the simulation.

  • Attributes are key-values associated with specific events. For example, a "grab" event will have an attribute "targetObject" to indicate that a user "grabbed the targetObject'.

List of Events and Associated Attributes

Below describe the list of events and the associated attributes that can appear in your Insights dashboard.

Event Name
Important Attributes


Simulation has completed loading


User has began the simulation


User has completed the simulation

timeToComplete (seconds)


Trigger has been activated involving two objects colliding with each other

collided1: name of object that was collided

collided2: name of object that was collided with


Trigger has been activated by grabbing an object

grabName: name of object that was grabbed


Trigger has been activated by moving onto a target position

locationName: name of the target location

radius: distance away from the center of target


Trigger has been activated by snapping an object into another

snapHitboxName: name of the object that will hold the snapped object

snapObject: name of the snapped object


Trigger has been activated by user speaking


Trigger has been activated by releasing a grabbed object

ungrabName: name of object that was released


Trigger has been activated by removing an object from a snapped position

snapHitboxName: name of the object that held the snapped object

snapObject: name of the removed snapped object


Trigger has been activated by using an object

useHitboxName: name of the object that was used


Trigger has been activated when no longer using the object

useReleaseTargetName: name of the object that was used


Trigger (usually a user activated interaction/event) has been activated in the always running (global) state machine.

triggerType: the trigger that caused the change in state machine


Condition has been met causing an activation in the always running (global) state machine.

The condition has been met in the format:

[AttributeName] [Operator] [AttributeGoalValue]


[ Count ] [ >= ] [ 10 ]


Transition between two states in the state machine

fromState: name of state transitioned from

toState: name of state transitioned to


Entered a state in the state machine

state: name of state entered


Exited a state in the state machine

state: name of state exited


User has produced an utterance by speaking or typing

utterance: user’s transcript


User has activated GPT chit chat

character.name: name of the character

character.prompt: prompt supplied to GPT

history.content: the conversation history

response: gpt response

utterance: user’s transcript


Quiz question has been submitted

question: the question that was asked

questionChoices: list of choices

selectedAnswers: answer selected by the user

Last updated